
KNS reserves the right to decline or cancel orders at our discretion. This may occur for reasons such as limited availability, incorrect pricing or product details, fraud prevention measures, or any other issue identified by KNS. In certain cases, we may request further information before accepting an order. If your order is cancelled in full or in part, or if we require additional information to process it, you will be notified promptly.

Customer cancellation

After an order has been placed, cancellation is only possible prior to shipment to the designated destination. Our registered customers may conveniently monitor the status of their orders through the Track Order option on our website, If a cancellation request is made, we will promptly refund the amount using your original payment method(in cases where the card used for the purchase is not in use). As soon as the refund process begins, you will receive your refund directly in your account.

NOTE : If the transaction failed, we will refund the amount to your account at the earliest